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Olivia Frances

Creative Storyteller


Hey, I’m Liv. You can usually catch me planning my next adventure with my British husband, catching up with friends over a lavender latte, or practicing yoga at a local studio.


Oh, and I kinda have a thing for travel, photography & words.



I grew up as the oldest of four girls, striving to be someone that both my younger sisters and my parents could be proud of. Since a young age, I dabbled in almost every sport and hobby but always ended up in the arts: exploring writing, photography, and videography.

Slumber parties consisted of conceptualizing book ideas, weekends were for forcing my sisters to participate in my short films, and the hours between homework were spent learning how to express myself through photography. If I didn’t have a book in my hand, it was a pen. If I didn’t have a pen, it was my camera.

I know how it is to feel like the odd one out. I’ve felt it all my life. I have always been fiercely independent. And so, when I had a hard time molding into the world around me, I found ways to create my own.

If I am not creating, I am not really living. I believe we, as children of the Ultimate Creator, all have an artisan soul that yearns to wake up.


Olivia was very understanding of the concept that I wanted to implement. She is very creative and professional with amazing ideas. Her writing skills are top notch and she is also an excellent photographer. Hiring Olivia was the best decision ever!

/  Lisa Baggett  /



I am proud to say I have lived my life thus far as a woman who is not afraid to go after what she wants. My experiences are a tribute to who I am at my core: a wanderer, a seeker, a curious soul.

My experiences have led me to the mountains of Haiti, speaking about the refugee crisis in front of hundreds of students, starting up organizations founded in loving other people well, bracing mosh pits while photographing the biggest music festival in Seattle, running around Europe with my British boyfriend, having my work published in Florence, Italy, becoming communications strategist for a startup, solo-traveling around Italy, and becoming a full-time digital nomad and Head of Marketing for a feminist company— Her First $100K.


Olivia Frances





Olivia's professionalism, creativity and timeliness have surpassed my expectations when I first hired her.

/  Robyn Thompson  /