Atlanta Protest

I’m publishing this with a heavy, heavy heart and so much to say but what feels to me as very little words to say them. I want to reiterate the message in Sam Collier’s video— the best thing we can do as white people is accept the reality that we are living in.

You’ll notice a few buttons under some of these photos that will take you to my Redbubble page, where I have created a collection of stickers based off of some of the signs from the protest that moved me the most. All proceeds from the stickers will be donated to Black Lives Matter and other organizations helping end police brutality. If you have any requests for other designs, please don’t hesitate to email me at


Some resources that have personally helped me understand my place in all this:

Watch this public address by writer and activist Rachel Elizabeth Cargle.

Listen to this Seeing White podcast series Scene On Radio.


I hope these photos move you, stir you, challenge what you have believed to be true, and makes you yearn for A More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.


“Anti-racism work is not self-improvement work for the white community. This work does not end when the white community feels better about what they did. This work ends only when black people have justice in every vein that white supremacy has found to oppress.” 

Rachel Elizabeth Cargle